Audible Studios UK


Creative Direction



Dolby Atmos Post Production

Music Supervision


From the age of uniformity.
From the age of solitude and doublethink.
From the age of Big Brother.
From me, Winston Smith.

It’s 1984, and life has changed beyond recognition. Airstrip One, formerly known as Great Britain, is a place where Big Brother is always watching, and nobody can hide. Except, perhaps, for Winston Smith.

Starring Andrew Garfield as Winston, Cynthia Erivo as Julia, Andrew Scott as the alluring, mysterious O’Brien, and featuring Tom Hardy as Big Brother, Audible presents a new dramatization of George Orwell’s classic tale. An immersive listening experience like none you’ve heard before, at a time when it has all never felt more chillingly relevant.

Featuring an original score composed by Muse’s Matthew Bellamy and Ilan Eshkeri, recorded by the London Metropolitan Orchestra at Abbey Road Studios.

This landmark award winning audio drama has been met with rave reviews and even spurred on a viral TikTok trend. Who knew a torture scene would give so many, so much pleasure.

It has been recognised for BEST AUDIO DRAMA at the Audies, won GOLD for both Best Scripted Fiction and Most Innovative Audio at The Signal Awards 2024 and SILVER at the British Podcast Awards. The production team won Best Fiction Producers at the UK Audio Production Awards.

The judges said: “This is an exceptional piece of fictional audio drama. It is a compelling and evocative adaptation that breathes new life into George Orwell’s seminal work, making it a truly intense and haunting listen. This is the kind of audio where you forget to judge, sit back and let the sounds engulf your imagination”

Behind The Scenes of the making of 1984 © 2024 Audible UK

In December 2024, Audible released the drama in German, Italian, Spanish and French - with Granny Eats Wolf looking after the post production localisation in each territory.


Directed by

Destiny Ekaragha

Adapted by

Joe White

Executive Producers

Audible & Granny Eats Wolf

  • A deliciously chilling immersion experience. This audio drama feels different.

    The Spectator

  • "This is the audio book production that just raised the bar for everything else. To say that the Dolby atmos was good would not do it justice. It took what was an already great book, paired with a cast of voice actors and elevated the entire thing. What a masterclass of an audio book."

    JB, Audible.com Reviewer

  • "A Dark Delight"

    The Guardian’s Audiobook Of The Week

  • "I love audiobooks, but I usually prefer a single reader over a production because some element of that production usually breaks the spell. Not in this case. I never left the story. Every sound effect and every piece of music drew me in deeper. It's the best of its kind I've heard."

    Frankierie, Audible.com Reviewer

  • “This doubles as my favourite adaptation of a book and my favourite audiobook ever. The sound design and casting were phenomenal and I felt as though I was at a cinema watching a film.”

    Audible.co.uk Reviewer

  • "Audible's 'audio-immersive play adaptation' of 1984 is working for the fanfic-inclined girlies. A clip of O’Brien (Andrew Scott) torturing Winston (Andrew Garfield) has gone viral as a NSFW listening experience. “When someone asks u what song ur listening to but you’re acctually [sic] just listening to ANDREW GARFIELD getting tortured by ANDREW SCOTT,” one was captioned. “Suddenly I might be able to pay attention to an audiobook all of a sudden!”

    Vulture Magazine